2014 AKS International Student Recruitment for Master’s and Doctoral Degree Programs
Fields of Study 전공 분야
Division 학부
Major 전공
Korean History, Paleography, Philosophy,
Korean Linguistics·Korean Literature
한국사학, 고문헌관리학, 철학, 국어학·국문학
Culture and Arts
Anthropology·Folklore, Religious Studies,
Musicology, Art History, Cultural Informatics
인류학·민속학, 종교학, 음악학,
미술사학, 인문정보학
Social Sciences
Political Science, Economics, Sociology,
Ethics, Education
정치학, 경제학, 사회학, 윤리학, 교육학
International Korean Studies
Korean Culture and History
(Only available for a master’s degree program)
한국문화학(석사 과정에 한함)
Benefits for International Students 장학혜택
- Full tuition waiver
등록금(수업료·연구등록금 등) 전액 면제
- Government Grant of KRW750,000 per month for selected students
입학 성적 우수자에게 매월 750,000원의 국비장학금 지급
- Korean language courses offered free of charge
한국어 능력 배양을 위한 한국문화학당 무료 운영
Application Deadline 접수기한
- For admission of 2014 fall semester: 30 April 2014
2014년도 후기 입학전형: 2014. 4. 30
- For admission of 2015 spring semester: 31 October 2014
2015년도 전기 입학전형: 2014. 10. 31
Contact Us 문의
Tel: +82-31-709-8111(내선 Ext. 214), +82-31-708-5310
Fax: +82-31-709-9946
Email: gradaks@aks.ac.kr
The Graduate School of Korean Studies, The Academy of Korean Studies